Automation Analytics



Analytic Process Automation (APA) is the technology that allows anyone in your organization to easily share data, automate tedious and complex processes, and turn data into results. With Analytic Process Automation, anyone can unlock predictive and prescriptive insights that drive quick wins and fast ROI.

A well-published PwC report projects that by 2030, “smart automation” technologies could contribute up to 14% of global GDP (around 10% to UK GDP). It also believes that the long-term net effect of automation on the economy will be positive. Thus, despite the above uncomplimentary words from a scientist whose work still drives our modern digital economy the verdict is in – technologies like Robotic Process Automation (RPA) are here to stay.  

Benefits of data analytics automation

The barriers to automation in data analytics have never been lower, and the advantages of using automation have never been greater:

  • Automation can increase the speed of analytics. A data scientist can perform analytics more quickly when an analysis requires little or no human input, and computers can efficiently complete tasks that are difficult and time-consuming for humans
  • Automated data analytics saves an enterprise time and money. Employee time is more expensive than computing resources when it comes to data analysis, and machines can perform analytics efficiently.
  • By automating tasks that don’t involve a high degree of human ingenuity or imagination, data scientists can focus on surfacing new insights to guide data-driven decision-making.
  • Optimise and Scale RPA Deployment

    For many organisations, scaling RPA deployments is a huge challenge.And usually, barriers to scalable RPA deployment and adoptionstem from an inadequate understanding of its operational viability and potential. These in turn can be traced to a lack of quantifying metrics that (can) provide a holistic view into these aspects.

    A powerful RPA Analytics solution like Eagle INSIGHT can empower your organisation and your RPA Centre of Excellence (CoE) to optimise and mature your existing RPA deployment. With its data-driven insights and real-time operational performance statistics, you can even drive other strategic digital transformation initiatives to strengthen your automation-based capabilities, drive intelligent innovation, and thus improve operational, financial and customer-facing outcomes.

   For more information visit our website Eagle Insight


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